Changelog v2.2

Hot Fixes

Fixed issue preventing upgrade/configuration plan forms from submitting.

Fixed validation issue preventing apply credit modal form on checkout page from submitting.

Fixed backups tab only displaying 20 backups maximum.

Fixed wrongly calculated vCores on “Resource After Deduction” UI elements.

Fixed issue where only 3 active subdomains were allowed per server.

Fixed incorrect file size conversion causing silent failures on some file uploads.


New Features:

Implemented plan downgrade validation.

Added higher pagination limits for file manager.

Remembers selected page size for File Manager paths and server list on the Inventory page.

Added gateway column to billing plans table.

Added ability to swap payment methods for plans with warnings about implications.

Only allow one backup task per server schedule to avoid limit bypass.

Performance Improvements:

Automatically set appropriate Java flags for servers above 12GB RAM to prevent crashes.

UI/UX Enhancements:

Added route-level errors to provide more granular feedback within each route.

Standardized naming of billing related columns (Start Date -> Date, Next Due Date -> Next Due, etc.).

Added email preferences to user settings.

Added ability to select port protocol for subdomains on the Network tab.

Added modal during checkout to inform of long wait times.

An alert when starting server with below sufficient RAM for running modpacks will now be shown.

Changelogs of previous releases can be found here.


