Changelog v2.3

Hot Fixes

PayPal Checkout Fixes:

Fixed intermittent issues with applying PayPal payment during checkout.

Fixed bug preventing users with no previous orders from changing currency.

Plan Management Improvements:

Fixed issue where cancelling a plan did not properly update the UI.

Fixed bug where successful “undo cancellation” did not update UI

Billing Period Reset Fix:

Fixed bug causing billing period to incorrectly reset to monthly when applying a coupon code.

Resolved multiple smaller bugs related to:

Shared servers management.

Schedule management.

Console permissions.


New Features:

Dashboard Infrastructure upgrade to Improve overall performance.

Added email subscription preferences in user settings.

Implemented server-side pagination and sorting for DataTables in plan management.

Improved registration forms:

Moved Terms of Service to modal for easier reviewing.

Enhanced display name validation.


Streamlined console initialization to reduce unnecessary requests.

Replaced router refreshes with faster context updates in File Manager for most actions.

Enables near instant actions when trashing, removing, uploading files and more.

Enables unarchiving large >5GB archives using background tasks.

Moved file transformation logic to server-side to reduce delay.

Changelogs of previous releases can be found here.


