Changelog v2.6.4



Added support for MongoDB databases.

Fixed non functional encoding/decoding Issue of JDBC URL.


Suspended servers can now be deleted directly from Inventory.

Landing Page:

Introduced hassle-free signup and 2-day free trial system.


Create Server:

Fixed issue where selecting games, type, and version were not scrollable on mobile.

Fixed missing error validation for already used subdomains; users are now warned if a subdomain is taken when creating a server.

Fixed issue where servers could not be created with 0 backups and databases.

Fixed validation errors not being shown properly for various fields during server creation.


Added toast messages when JDBC URL encoded or decoded.

Visual reflection of changes in the JDBC URL field when encoded or decoded.

File Manager:

Fixed issue where compression type could not be selected on iPad in both horizontal and vertical orientations.

Fixed alignment Issue of various buttons under the File Manager tab.

Fixed non-functional trash feature; files can now be trashed and appear in the trash section.


Fixed filter plan section not displaying properly on small width devices.

Landing Page:

Fixed misalignment of plan details on the homepage plan selector items.


Fixed issue where subdomain type could not be selected on iPad in both horizontal and vertical orientations.



Fixed backup limits calculation issue, resulting in fewer available backups.

Edit Server:

Fixed fetch failure error when editing server from the Server Overview page.

Changelogs of previous releases can be found here.


