UltraServers Supports Folia Event

Welcome gamers and everyone else! In today’s blog post, we want to share some information regarding the recent scheduled downtime of one of our servers. As you might remember, some weeks ago we took the New York server offline and migrated all of your game servers to our server in Germany.

Since then, the server in New York has been taken back into production and is ready for your game servers to be migrated back and redeployed at your convenience. If you need assistance with migrating your server, just reach out to our customer support.

At UltraServers, we are big supporters of innovation and always encourage further development of software that can benefit our community. When we saw the opportunity to take part in such development, we did not hesitate to answer the call!

The Folia Event

When we noticed Cubxity pitch the idea of carrying out this test, and they were looking for the proper hardware, we kindly provided him with our server hardware and infrastructure.

In collaboration with Cubxity, we decided to take the New York server out of production and temporarily have it serve as a test bench for the deployment of Folia, a Minecraft server software. Folia is a new fork of Paper that adds multithreading by creating independent regions that run with their own tick loop.

There are many benefits of Folia, but the main reason for enabling multithreading in Minecraft, is to allow a greater amount of players to join and play on the same server. In theory, more than a thousand players could be playing on the same server.

To put this theory to test, Cubxity hosted a Minecraft Bingo Event with Folia running as server software. This event was held on our New York server, and with a peak of 501 players. We would certainly call it a success.

For a more detailed view of how the software was configured, and a granular view of the results. Please see Cubxity’s blog post as it contains such details and more.


As we mentioned previously in this blog post, we are big supporters of innovation and always encourage further development of software that can benefit our community. This Folia event is exactly the kind of thing we want to lend our support to.

We learned a lot from this collaboration, and hopefully, we contributed to the further development of Folia. To everyone involved in this effort, we want to say thank you. And to everyone reading this, thank you, and take care!


