Changelog v1.25



Console Page — Apply maximum height to xterm container.

Bug: When any of the current users server is installing, these resource values are set to 999 FIXED.

Inventory page allocations, backups and databases show “Please reload…” if any server is currently installing : FIXED will show correct allocation now.


Slightly darker comments in File Editor.

The UI of the Ports tab has been redesigned.

The UI of the Backups tab has been redesigned.

The background color shade for the switch in the Schedule Modal has been changed to a lighter shade.


Spigot plugins which have external URLs will no longer be direct-downloadable but instead allow you to move to the external URL from the plugins tab.

Reinstall & Create Server:

Disables versions field from being interacted with when a new game type has been selected. There is a second overlap with loading the versions for the newly selected Type which could have led to confusion. The old versions were still showing during this loading period.


Fixed inconsistencies related to resending subuser invite email rate limiting.

File Manager:

Added ability to get the size of directories.

Directory sizes are cached until the folder is modified in any way (i.e the directories name changes, file is added, removed or edited within).

A recalculation of the size can also be triggered manually.

Highlighted default sorting option (name in ascending order).

Directories are prioritized over files when sorting by name.

Made the separation between pinned files and actual file manager a little more obvious using a divider.



