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How to Fix the "Server Connection Timed Out" Error in Minecraft

Level: Beginner

A step-by-step guide on how to troubleshoot your Minecraft server showing "Server connection timed out" error

These methods are not guaranteed to work, but can be attempted before contacting support.


Method 1: Restart server

Step 1: Log into your control panel and go to your advanced server view.


Step 2: Next, simply click the restart server button and wait for it to be online again.


Step 3: Finally, connect to your server in Minecraft.

Method 2: Use direct connection

Step 1: Log into your Minecraft account and navigate to the server list.

Step 2: Click the Direct Connection button

Step 3: Finally, go to your dashboard and copy your server IP. Then paste it into the Direct connection field and hit enter.


Method 1: Make sure your versions match

Step 1: Go to your UltraServers server Iventory and go to the Manage view


Step 2: Go to the settings and make sure your Minecraft launcher version matches your UltraServers forge version.



If you are having trouble with this, you can open a support ticket here!
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